
Senior or Specialist AX developer/System analyst

รหัสบริษัทลูกค้า: 30720


【Job Description】
-Specializing in customizing and extending the Microsoft Dynamics AX.
-Responsible for gathering and analysis requirement.
-Handle analysis process of project.
-Working with Interfacing System and in-house custom built system.
-Perform Analysis of Business Flow, and mapping of AX 2012 Features, with identification of GAP requirement.
-Propose for relevant solution with reasoning, based on Standard AX 2012 features, for the identified Business requirements.
-Compile relevant documentation such as Functional Requirement Documentation, Test Scripts with clarifying.

-Thai nationality, Male/Female, age 26 - 40 years old.
-Bachelor's degree.
-Minimum 5 years of AX FN SCM PRD Modules core for Dynamics AX 2012 versions.
-AX2012 Technical and Development experience.
-Able to adhere to AX Best Practices, as well as the procedure of company.
-Extensive knowledge of Trade and Logistics Modules.
-Knowledge and experience in the localization package (Thailand).
-X++ Development Language.
-SQL Database Management.

【Allowance & Benefit】
- O.T.
- Uniform
- Social Insurance
- Group Insurance
- Annual Health Check
- Company Cooperative
- Diligence allowance both monthly
- Position Allowance (Depends on structure)
- Special price of food in company (Free rice)
- Language allowance if have more toeic score. (Depends on structure)
- Shuttle bus service: Bangna, Bangplee, Samutprakarn, Sumrong and Bangboo etc.

【Working Hour】
Mon-Fri (1 Saturday/Month), 8.00-17.00

ประเภทธุรกิจ 【MFG】Automotive Parts|自動車部品
สายงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง IT-Web Development|ウェブ開発
IT-Web Programmer|ウェブプログラマー
เงินเดือน 40,000THB~60,000THB
สถานที่ทํางาน Samutprakarn|サムットプラカン
สถานีรถไฟฟ้าใกล้เคียง -
นิคมอุตสาหกรรม Bangplee Industrial Estate
เพศ Any/どちらでも
อายุ 26~40
ภาษา English: 日常会話可能|Daily
Thai: 母語|Native