

求人番号: 29798


1) Renewal and upselling of non-life insurance and group medical for existing corporate customers, cross-selling activities, and support in the event of an insurance claim.
2) Renewal of Japanese Medical Insurance and some personal insurance, new contracts, response to inquiries, support in the event of an insurance claim
3) Building relationships with customers, partners, and insurance companies to facilitate the above activities (visits and entertainment as necessary)
4) Mediation of non-life insurance, group medical insurance and Japanese Medical insurance for new prospective customers (cold calling, self-development, referrals from referral partners, inquiry emails, etc.), and related proposal activities
5) Enhance revenue to reach individual budget.
6) Support and promote some new business project.
7) In addition, respond flexibly and proactively according to instructions and situations from superiors.

- 英語ー社内会話レベル。
- 保険・金融業界経験
- 営業部署経験5年以上(B2B/B2C)
- タイでの就業経験
- タイに長く在住予定である方
- やる気があり成長意欲のある方
- コミュニケーション力があり協調性がある方



業種 【NonMFG】Other Finance|その他金融
職種 Sales-Consultant|コンサルタント
給与 65,000THB~80,000THB
勤務地 Bangkok|バンコク
最寄り駅 BTS Nana
工業団地名 -
語学 English: 社内会話可能|Intermediate
Japanese: 母語|Native