Learning support
- SAWAN: Raising Japanese children and youths
- Ruam Jai Homestay Program: Support for Japanese language learners
- Volunteer Japanese-Language Guides at the National Museum: Study group for Japanese-language guides
Medical care and poverty support
- Japan Heart: International medical assistance
- Sikkha Asia Foundation: Support for the poor and ethnic minorities
Cultural support
- Krung Thep Karuta Society: Competition karuta Hyakunin Isshu
- Bangkok City Ballet Performances: Sponsorship of ballet performances twice a year
- Sport blowgun
- Yutaka Soccer School: Uniform sponsor
- YY Contest sponsorship
- Essay Contest "Leave No One Behind" for SDGs
Learning support
We have been supporting the activities of SAWAN, which started in March 2007 with the cooperation of OISCAThailand under the name "SAWAN" (heaven in Thai), which provides international cooperation and environmental education to Japanese children living in Bangkok. With tree-planting as a core activity, it had held exchanges with local students, fund-raising activities (for flooding in Thailand and the Great East-Japan Earthquake), photo exhibitions and various seminars to let many people know the meaning of tree-planting activities. In addition, we have participated in mangrove forest planting activities in Ranong Province as part of our employee education, and have had many experiences with children.
Tree-planting activities are conducted on a regular basis during the long vacations of the Japanese school and holidays in Thailand. There are many participants from elementary school students to university students from Japan and other countries.
Let's plant a flower that never withers in our hearts, and let our feelings reach the heavens.
Escape from the small Japanese community in Bangkok and dive into the real Thai society and culture. Play with Thai friends, eat Thai food, make Thai playthings, and stay at a Thai school. By playing, laughing, helping, and learning together with Thai people, who were once distant in the different world but now close, the children grow significantly through interactions. Living in Thailand, they can fully utilize this experience, enthusiastically absorbing the charm of Thailand and developing a love for nature!
We believe that educational support activities from childhood are essential for securing future talent. We aim to contribute to meaningful talent development by planting trees and sowing the seeds of talent, ensuring a fruitful future.
We support the activities of SAWAN, which implements international cooperation education and environmental education for Japanese children living in Bangkok to learn about life in Thailand.
WEB : http://sawanthailand.com/
Email : sawanthai@gmail.com

Ruam Jai
This is an activity in which students studying Japanese in rural areas stay with a Japanese family in Bangkok. It started in 2003 and has so far been attended by 900 students. Last year, 160 people and 77 families participated. Although the program lasts only 3 days and 2 nights, it has created a deep mutual understanding by living together.
Bangkok National Museum Volunteer Japanese Language Guide Group
Since its founding in 1974, they have been dedicated to serving the museum's interests through volunteer guiding activities at the National Museum Bangkok. Through the accumulation of daily study sessions, they guide visitors in an easy-to-understand manner about the treasures of the Kingdom of Thailand with a smile.
Medical care and poverty support
Japan Heart
It all began in 2004 when Dr. Hideto Yoshioka ventured alone into remote areas of Myanmar, facing the challenge of providing medical care to impoverished people who couldn't access it. Since then, this initiative has expanded to Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos, reaching out to those in need of medical attention. The philosophy revolves around "bringing medical care to where there is none." A new initiative stemming from this is the "International Emergency Relief Project." We are working on establishing a system for medical volunteers like us to enter areas with significant medical needs during large-scale disasters, particularly in areas where medical services are scarce due to the impact of the disaster.
The number of medical professionals who participate in Japan Heart activities is about 500 per year. Through such medical volunteers, we will continue to deliver medical care to those in need in areas without access to healthcare.

Japan Heart HP http://www.japanheart.org/
Japan Heart FB Site https://www.facebook.com/NGOjapanheart/
Sikkha Asia Foundation
It is a foundation in Thailand established by the Shanti International Volunteer Association. It provides educational opportunities to children living in Bangkok's slum areas and rural areas, as well as to children of ethnic minorities and migrant workers. It is engaged in projects such as community libraries, mobile libraries, scholarships, and student dormitories.
Cultural support
Krung Thep Karuta Kai, Cultural Department of the Japanese Association
This is a practice session for the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Karuta Competition, which was launched in 2005. Every Sunday, people ranging from kindergarten children to senior citizens, both Japanese and Thai, come together to play. We also give lectures at Thai universities, junior high and high schools, and at cultural festivals, where many Japanese language learners enjoy playing Hyakunin Isshu karuta and watch a demonstration of competitive karuta. By getting Thai Japanese language learners interested in Hyakunin Isshu karuta, they can gain a deeper understanding of the Japanese language and culture. We continue our activities in the hope of fostering grass-roots exchange between Japan and Thailand.

Bangkok City Ballet School
Bangkok City Ballet School is a ballet school accredited by the Ministry of Education of Thailand and offers lessons in the BCBS curriculum and RAD curriculum for students aged 3 and above. Enrollment is ongoing. Adult classes in the morning are also available.
Bangkok City Ballet School HP https://bangkokcityballet.com
Sport blowgun
It is a safe sport that anyone can enjoy healthily with friends. Currently, the practice is twice a month at our company's Gallery 21. Based on compound breathing, we support you in learning the basic movements correctly and continue to enjoy blow darts, so that you can lead a wonderful life of health and longevity. We look forward to your participation to experience.
Yutaka Football Academy
In addition to soccer schools for Japanese residents in Sriracha and Bangkok, we are also conducting soccer coaching at elementary schools for the hearing impaired (deaf schools) in Bangkok and Bang Saen. We organize the Yutaka Festival to bring together the students we are coaching and to promote interaction between Japanese and Thai deaf people. Since 2014, we have also been organizing exchange matches with deaf schools in Japan.
Yutaka Football Academy HP http://www.yutaka-fa.com
YY Contest sponsorship
This is a contest held annually to embody the concept of social business advocated by Dr. Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh, founder of Grameen Bank and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
YY CONTEST HP https://www.yycontest.org
Essay Contest "Leave No One Behind" for SDGs
The term SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) has become familiar. However, it seems that its fundamental principle of "Leave No One Behind" has not been given much attention, has it? This contest seeks questions to society from the “perspective of young people”. It is a short essay contest run by an organizing committee primarily composed of high school and university students.
Essay Contest "Leave No One Behind" for SDGs HP https://nogezaka-glocal.com